Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Woman's Cry

I saw a woman on the corner
she was crying and looks so sad
i asked her, what happened
she only said,
i cried because of him.

I saw a woman in front of the door
she was crying,but she looks so strong
i asked her,what happened
and she answered,
i hurt him and make him sad.

these two women are kinda different
they cry for different reason
but the object still same
is all about men.

i often ask to my self
why women cry for men?
i really seek for the answer
and i find nothing.

women cry when hurt men
and also
women cry when men hurt her.
its kinda strange
but until now, i try to accept it

but if i can choose
i choose not to cry
not for a man,
or to hurt a man

Monday, July 11, 2011

14 Wonders

Let's the story begin...

We are 14 people
come from different places
come from different background

We are 14 people
didn't know each other before
only met in a video conference before

We are 14 people
live for 3 month together
got the same facilities
also the same treatment

We are 14 people
share our joy together
share our sadness together
find the meaning of friendship
also the meaning of love

We are 14 People
we used to trapped in same problem
but, we know if we can solve it with our way :D
We are 14 people
we are more than just a friend
we meant our relationship with unique way,
we named it "BroSis"

We are 14 people
have the same goal
have the same dream
and will face all that obstacle together

i love all of you my 14
we know that all of us,
can reach the stars sooner or later !!

Mucho Love.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

3 Component of Love

Old Post from My FB

Ada 3 komponen penyusun cinta, yaitu :

1. Commitment -> Komitmen (Komp.Kognitif)
2. Intimacy -> Kedekatan (Emosional)
3. Passion -> Hasrat

Lalu, dari ketiga komponen di atas memunculkan 7 macam kategori cinta,
didalamnya ada 1 komponen, 2 komponen, atau bahkan tidak ketiganya.

7 kategori itu adalah :

  1. Non – love : Hubungan yang tidak memiliki satupun unsur dari tiga komponen itu
  2. Liking : Perasaan Suka yang diawali dari adanya kedekatan namun tanpa ada PASSION dan KOMITMEN
  3. Infatuation : Hubungan yang semata-mata melibatkan PASSION tanpa ada INTIMACY dan KOMITMEN
  4. Romantic Love : Memiliki INTIMACY (kedekatan) dan PASSION tetapi minim KOMITMEN contohnya : TTMan , HTS an
  5. Fatous Love : Bersama pasangan membuat KOMITMEN berdasarkan PASSION tetapi minim INTIMACY. Contohnya : LDR relationship (pacaran jarak jauh gitu)
  6. Compationate Love : Umumnya di miliki oleh pasangan yang sudah menikah bertahun-tahun, ada INTIMACY dan KOMITMEN tetapi minim PASSION
  7. Consummate Love : hubungan yang lengkap ada ketiga unsur itu KOMITMEN, INTIMACY, PASSION

Jadi Kesimpulannya teman-teman

Ada dimanakah hubungan cinta kalian ?

Let’s share !